Arthur W Breese
African-American, Man, Owner of three fur babies, Cisgender, Social Justice Advocate, Avid Reader, Uncle, Brother, Friend to many

Our lived experiences shape who we are and the work we do. As a Consultant, Arthur Breese is responsible for leading strategy and learning experiences for clients. His spark for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion was ignited twice in his life. During his freshman year at Temple University, his roommate was from China and spoke limited English. Though Arthur wanted to switch rooms initially, his parents told him to embrace the opportunity. He knew what it felt like to be excluded and Adam’s experience reminded him of his own. As the only child of color in his grade school, he was bullied because of his race and perceived sexual orientation. Throughout that first semester, it felt like he and Adam were on a collision course until the first holiday break where Adam went home with Arthur for Thanksgiving. This lived experience taught him more than any course in his undergraduate course curriculum. He learned how crucial it was for him to understand and listen to different perspectives and he knew that his career was going to be dedicated to inclusion.
Infrequently Asked Questions
Is your political correctness motivated by judgment or empathy?
I dislike the term political correctness. Oftentimes we identify important elements to belong as political correctness. “When you know better you do better.” As we continue to evolve as a society, it’s important to change our language.
What’s something people don’t know about you?
Thirty years ago, I was an avid runner. I ran every day. Running was key for my emotional well-being.
What’s one thing you haven’t done yet? What’s holding you back?
My partner and I have talked and planned to visit Rome and Venice. I had the wonderful opportunity to be my Mom’s caretaker for several years and I didn’t have much of a work life balance so I’ll be looking forward to that trip one day.
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