Ashya Majied
Music enthusiast, traveler, pet momma, Content & Innovation Manager

Experiences create lasting memories throughout our lives and Ashya Majied has perfected the art of bringing inclusion to each of those moments. Leveraging her experience in training, learning strategies, leadership development, event planning, and organizational effectiveness, Ashya crafts expertly effective project plans and launch strategies in her role as a Content & Innovation Manager. She does this work not only because she believes every experience is an opportunity to both learn and share knowledge, but also because she thrives on making a positive impact on the lives of others. Prior to joining Be Equitable, Ashya has had roles focused on creating inclusion in spaces where there historically wasn’t any, specifically in higher education. Ashya digs deep into the communities she’s a part of to help aid growth, empathy and understanding weaving those elements into the strategies she pulls together. A Multi-hobbyist, Ashya is a DJ, artist and nature photographer.
Infrequently Asked Questions
What’s one thing you love about yourself? Have you always?
Through the process of gaining confidence in my abilities and being comfortable with the girl in the mirror, I am freer and authentic when I trust myself to just exist. Not perform, just BE myself… and those who get it, we vibe.
Do you think people can really change?
Yes! But it is hard. People have to want to change or have a profound experience that forces their perspective to shift.
What are you currently working through that others can’t see?
Accepting my redefined identity as a daughter. My parents were older than most of my friends’ parents growing up. As someone who they patiently cultivated and wholeheartedly loved, it is my duty, responsibility, and honor to be there to support their late chapters. My identity as a daughter had been primarily someone who took and received. My identity now is someone who must graciously give.
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