Dr. Falon Thacker
Cisgender woman, White, Educator, Sister

Curious about where to begin or the next steps of your IDEA journey? When C-Suite leaders are looking to take the next step in their IDEA journeys, Dr. Falon Thacker is there to guide them. As a Senior Consultant, experienced leader, educator, and researcher with 12+ years of experience managing and leading diverse teams through organizational change and crisis, she is a trustworthy coach, guide and advisor to CEOs, CDOs and other executive leaders. Whether it’s conducting organizational assessments, developing IDEA strategic plans, or designing and facilitating educational experiences for C-Suites, Boards, and executive leaders: she does all of this with empathy and knowledge of various IDEA topics to meet the needs of any group. Falon is experienced in facilitating and designing learning experiences that are empathetic, inclusive, and engaging for diverse learners and groups who hold varying levels of IDEA knowledge, awareness, and skills. Falon knew she wanted to be an IDEA practitioner a couple years into her first manager role when she faced challenges connecting with team members different from her. This led her to pursue a doctoral degree and study multicultural and social justice competence, and how educational programs are preparing students to join the workforce with the skills needed to see the world through multiple perspectives, be empathetic and build meaningful relationships with employees and colleagues different from them. Falon believes we are capable of change at an individual, organization and systems level—we must first be open to learning and believing the stories and experiences of others.
Infrequently Asked Questions
How often do you think about the color of your skin? Why do you think that is?
As a white-identifying IDEA practitioner, I aspire to continuously acknowledge and learn from the intersections of my whiteness and IDEA consulting. This is important so I do not center my own experiences and needs when partnering with clients.
Do you think people can really change?
In my own inner-work journey, I’ve changed a lot. I continue to unlearn the attitudes, beliefs, and policies that do not promote equitable and inclusive environments for all groups of people. I had to get comfortable with discomfort.
What belief took you the longest to unlearn?
That people who look like me shouldn’t work in IDEA. I learned White leaders in organizations must be a part of change. I believe I have a responsibility to make the world a better place for everyone.
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