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Keara DeKay

Keara DeKay


White, cishet, able-bodied, Millenial woman


Many people say that traveling and experiencing other cultures helps you to become a more empathetic global citizen. Keara DeKay grew up in Nigeria and taught in South Korea before settling here in the U.S. Each of her experiences have shaped her views on not only inclusion, but also on fostering equity and she brings that global perspective to her work at Be Equitable as a Project Consultant. Keara has 10+ years of experience in education creating, promoting, and managing accessible and inclusive international education programs. She has contributed to programs serving and supporting LGBTQIA+ communities, BIPOC communities, and international communities, and has presented about best practices in diversity & inclusion in international education on both the state-wide and national level through organizations like NAFSA and Diversity Abroad. Keara uses her strategic planning, communication, and data analysis skills to collaborate with clients on creative and effective IDEA approaches.

Infrequently Asked Questions

If you could make three new laws, what would they be?

• Implement a federal wealth tax and close tax loopholes for wealthy individuals and corporations.
• Create a public healthcare and health insurance system that provides high quality, equitable care (including abortion care) at low cost.
• Codify incentives for switching to clean and renewable energy and disinscentivize use of fossil fuels.

What’s something people don’t know about you?

My family moved to Nigeria when I was 5 and I learned the Nigerian National Anthem before I learned the American National Anthem.

What belief took you the longest to unlearn?

I didn’t learn about the term cisgender until I was in my mid-20s, and it really opened up my understanding of the gender spectrum. My favorite quote helps to demonstrate the spectrum: We’re all born naked and the rest is drag. – RuPaul Charles.

Follow the below link to access the deck of Infrequently Asked Question cards.

In the world

Earned her BA in Cultural Studies from Brandeis University and her M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Texas at Austin.

Certified in Diversity & Inclusion in HR from eCornell, and in Data Analytics from Yandex.

Received the Excellence in Diversity & Inclusion International Education Rising Star Award from Diversity Abroad for her work in creating inclusive international programming at the University of South Carolina.

Cook Ross is now BE Equitable

These past few years have been incredibly tumultuous and evolving, where we have witnessed how complex and messy our world is.

In a world of tick-a-box trainings and quick fixes, we at Be Equitable are going after something more satisfying -- we’re here for the transformations. For the forward thinkers and future leaders who know the journey is long and are still ready, we see you and we want to partner with you.

Let’s go beyond the buzzwords to create workplaces that work for people of all races, ethnicities, identities, and abilities. It won’t be neat. And it certainly won’t be simple. Our BE team is ready and committed to get it done.

As we enter this next chapter of our story, we invite you to BE bold, BE inclusive, and BE authentic to the vision you have for yourself and your organization. And together we can create workplaces that are just and equitable for all.